What is your RuneScape username?
Do you meet the clan requirements?
I only got no DWH yet.. i got bgs but i got the rest plenty. 1k cox kc and 350 ish tobs on this account
If you're missing a requirement which one are you missing? (If not skip)
just the DWH so matter of money - or selling other items
What is your Discord username? (User#1234)
What time-zone are you in?
europe - belgium
Have you been in any previous clans? If so, which ones?
yeah PSO - but I left for a year and now its gone.
Where did you hear about Forbidden?
What is your biggest in game achievement?
Im a big pvmer and got several accounts. I like to TOB and COX and share with the people I played with.
10-Dec-2021 19:29:12