What is your RuneScape username?
- Bergbys
Do you meet the clan requirements?
- Yes
What is your Discord username? (User#1234)
- texburger
What time-zone are you in?
- CEST / GMT+2
Have you been in any previous clans? If so, which ones?
- 07Norge, OSRSDanmark, just Scandinavian social clans
Where did you hear about Forbidden?
- By looking through the forums for a new clan with some friends. Tried applying back in August but didn't have ToB kc. I do now though. Since then, even more of my friends has joined Forbidden
What is your biggest in-game achievement?
- Maxing
21-Oct-2023 11:33:09
- Last edited on
21-Oct-2023 17:39:09