Hi everyone,
This is my official application to join the clan. I am IRL friends with Schamnzo. I started playing Runescape 2 back when it originally was out on and off as a kid from 2005-2011. Came back for OSRS 2 years ago and been playing since. I am interested in the social aspect, events, raids, and learning to be a better player.
In-game name: Spetrario
Current total level: 2047
Account type (Main, Iron, HCIM, etc): Iron
Discord name (and number): SteveWillPlay#7188
Bosses you have experience with (GWD, Raids 1/2/3, Nightmare): ToA, Guantlet, Kril
What are you looking for in a clan? (Optional): social, events, learning, raids.
29-Dec-2022 06:01:28