Hello, I've been pointed towards this clan by a bunch of old mates that I used to hang out with in a cc and that have now regrouped under your banner (Phat Yoshi, Bwan a, booniebtw, Gohas, Nyx Avatar, Sig Man, Veli Iron, etc.) and I'd like to join to get back into touch with that old band, as well as meet some new people and participate in social events.
In-game name: Krabbytastic
Current total level: 2277
Account type (Main, Iron, HCIM, etc): iron
Discord name (and number): Krabby#6702
Bosses you have experience with (GWD, Raids 1/2/3, Nightmare): GWD largely finished, ~100 cox kc, ~100 ToA expert kc
What are you looking for in a clan? (Optional): A place to hang out, talk to fun people, participate in events.
My pm's always on, feel free to reach out when you see me on