Runescape name: Darth Poser
Name you would like to be called: Either Darth or Leandros work. I reckon Darth will be easier.
How long have you been playing RS: It was at least winter 2006 when I started, as I remember the Shanty Claws event. I stopped playing around 2009 and only jumped back in periodically for nostalgia until 2018. The release of mobile got me hooked, and I’ve been playing OSRS ever since.
Total level: 2010
Why do you want to be a part of this community: Part of the fun of Runescape is the social aspect! There is a vocal minority of bigoted OSRS players that make chatting (and the game as a whole) unpleasant. I would like to join a CC without them.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): Searching the forums – this thread was near the top of the search.
What timezone are you: EST
What does LGBT+ stand for? Lesbain, gay, bisexual, trans, and other identities which fall outside the hetero/cis “norm”
18-Jul-2022 16:56:34