Runescape name: Bows
Name you would like to be called: Xara (my general nickname online), Bows is fine too!
How long have you been playing RS: I've been playing RS for about 15 years on and off, I stuck with the original game until Invention hit, then decided to swap over to osrs because I preferred the way it played. I've played a main for a long while but recently-ish started working on this ironman account, which is now the only account I play.
Total level: 1481
Why do you want to be a part of this community: I'm looking for likeminded individuals to have a chat with while playing the game, and to make some friends along the way!
I've tried joining other clans in the past, however they never really met my expectations when it came to being inclusive. This time I'm hoping that'll be different!
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): This forum post!
What timezone are you: CET
What does LGBT+ stand for?: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender + additional terms that fall under the queer umbrella
27-May-2022 00:03:34