Runescape name: High Strings
Name you would like to be called: Strings
How long have you been playing RS: I've been playing RS3 for near 15 years, but just started OSRS a bit over a month ago.
Total level: 450
Why do you want to be a part of this community: I am a member of the LGBT+ Corner on RS3, and very much enjoy the welcoming community there, I would like to be part of the community on OSRS too.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): from the sister clan in RS3, LGBT+ corner. Saw there was an OSRS clan as well
What timezone are you: cst
What does LGBT+ stand for? Being welcoming and accepting to queer identities, including lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, as well as allies, but ultimately is about treating people like people.
08-Nov-2023 02:24:30