Runescape name: BSJoJo
Name you would like to be called: JoJo
How long have you been playing RS: About a year now, though I took a break for a few months.
Total level: 1583
Why do you want to be a part of this community: I've joined many clans so far and many have been hateful toward the LGBT+ community. Most of my friends are LGBT, my wife is bi, and I consider myself an ally, so I don't want to be in clans with people like that. I'm hoping to find some kind and like-minded people to play OSRS with.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): Thread on reddit!
What timezone are you: Eastern time zone
What does LGBT+ stand for? Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, plus the other identities and sexual orientations.
02-May-2023 20:52:01