Runescape name: Mart0103
Name you would like to be called: Mart
How long have you been playing RS: Since 2008, so around 13 years with many breaks in between.
Total level: 2023
Why do you want to be a part of this community: I'm still looking for a clan here in OSRS, and with... recent discoveries about myself, it would be nice to join at least an in-game community
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): I've only known the main clan from RuneScape 3 by name until now after several years playing OSRS I thought "Hey, there's surely one here too" and came across this forum thread.
What timezone are you: Pacific time
What does LGBT+ stand for? It's an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender, which usually continues with QIA included with the '+' symbol.
Runescape name: OSRSLGBT (Had the name before I knew of this clan
Name you would like to be called: Daniel
How long have you been playing RS: Since 2007 i think. Off and on. Just came back after like a year off
Total level: 1755
Why do you want to be a part of this community: wana be able to chat and play with other queer people
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): a Google search
What timezone are you: eastern
What does LGBT+ stand for? It's an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender and all other queer peoples.