How long have you been playing RS:
first joined in 2006, played until 2009 or so, then played a year after osrs was re-released until now
Total level:
2277 on my main in osrs and rs3, 685 on my iron (soon to be unranked GIM)
Why do you want to be a part of this community:
i'm part of the community on my main, and i'd like to join on my iron account so i can continue talking to my friends while grinding
Where did you hear about us (please be specific):
a friend recommended me a couple years back, but i don't remember who exactly it was, been in the clan since then
What timezone are you:
What does LGBT+ stand for?
Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender and many more, baby ;D
Since you're already in the clan, an extra application was not necessary, but good to know you want to join with your alt!
We'll get you added shortly!