RSN: Deleter
Combat Level: 126
Prayer Level: 99
Magic Level: 99
Ranged Level: 99
Total Level: 2111
Agility Level: 81
Herblore Level: 90
PvM Experience: Raids, Bandos, Sara, Corp
Who recommended you to our clan/how did you find us: Runescape forums
Do you agree to the clan rules: Yes
Do you have 250m worth of PvM gear: Yes
Do you have the required untradeable gear: Yes
Do you have Rigour/Augury unlocked: Yes
What extra can you receive from tanking (read the rules to find the answer): Zammy hilts, bandos boots, steam battlestaves and Godsword shards
Former clan and why did you leave: Royale Pvm (Clan disbanded)
Are you willing to use discord: Yes
11-Mar-2021 23:28:06