RSN: braisedpoon
Combat Level: 124
Prayer Level:86
Magic Level:99
Ranged Level:99
Total Level:1869
Agility Level:71
Herblore Level:78
PvM Experience: 40+ kc on 20+ bosses
Who recommended you to our clan/how did you find us: Osrs clans page on website.
Do you agree to the clan rules: Yes.
Do you have 250m worth of PvM gear: Yes.
Do you have the required untradeable gear: Yes.
Do you have Rigour/Augury unlocked: Yes.
What extra can you receive from tanking (read the rules to find the answer): Smaller items such as bandos boots and godsword shards in GWD.
Former clan and why did you leave: Last clan was casual/did not have ranks and so on.
Are you willing to use discord: Yes.
07-Oct-2020 03:47:58