RSN: Sandsanta
Combat Level: 125
Prayer Level: 97
Magic Level: 99
Ranged Level: 99
Total Level: 1941
Agility Level: 80
Herblore Level: 78
PvM Experience: Decent TOBer, can flick all 3 minions at Graardor with occasional mistakes, etc.
Who recommended you to our clan/how did you find us: Found on the forums
Do you agree to the clan rules: Yes!
Do you have 250m worth of PvM gear: Yes.
Do you have the required untradeable gear: Yes.
Do you have Rigour/Augury unlocked: Yes.
What extra can you receive from tanking (read the rules to find the answer): shards + bandos boots, 3% of NM uniques, zammy hilt, steam battlestaves.
Former clan and why did you leave: Hyperion, left because of accusations (that have been proven to be wrong thanks to video evidence, right before I quit) of lying about inconsistent ping (spikes in the thousands of milliseconds at times) after stating that it was the sole reason I didn't have an infernal cape yet. A few people ganged up on me, kept calling me names and truly made OSRS a shitty experience for the hours the ordeal lasted. Even if I had blocked them, they would still have been tainting my reputation behind my back. Not wanting this climate to affect my mental health (an emotional state similar to what I had experienced that wicked night had already triggered a depersonalization/derealization episode once), I decided to leave shortly after the incident, right after posting video evidence in Hyperion's Discord, inviting the accusers to think twice before jumping to conclusions next time. Better internet is coming soon though, I've been stuck in a rural area due to COVID.
Are you willing to use discord: Yes.
20-Jan-2021 08:26:34