RSN: Elevenbravo
Combat Level:124
Prayer Level:87
Magic Level:97
Ranged Level:99
Total Level:2088
Agility Level:86
Herblore Level:90
PvM Experience: Lots, just need a refresher on COX and never done TOB
Who recommended you to our clan/how did you find us: I was in before i deployed
Do you agree to the clan rules: Yes
Do you have 250m worth of PvM gear: Absolutely
Do you have the required untradeable gear: Yeppers
Do you have Rigour/Augury unlocked: mhmm
What extra can you receive from tanking (read the rules to find the answer): Zamorak hilts, Bandos boots, Steam battle staves, and Godsword shards go to GWD tanks. Nightmare tank receives 3% of uniques.
Former clan and why did you leave: PVM payback and was inactive for a too long due to deployment
Are you willing to use discord: Yep
If you change your RSN please inform a staff member on discord. Okie Dokie
28-May-2021 20:59:24