In-Game Username: purp light
Previous Usernames (if any): X
Country/Time Zone (optional): Canada, EST
Total Level: 2090
Combat Level: 126
Did anyone refer you to us? If so, who?: no
Favorite bosses/PvM activities (if any): cox, zily, hydra, zulrah
Favorite non-PvM activities in game (if any): flexing at the GE
How long have you been playing OSRS?: since i was 11
Previous clans (if any) and reasons for leaving: Exodus PvM. left because of some highly ranked player i found toxic and annoying for bashing me for talking about my dry streak when the item in question was literally the subject of convo.
Reason(s) for joining: learn ToB, run a lot of CoX, occasional chill GWD
Do you close the doors at Pest Control or leave them open like a savage?: you guys do pest control?!
28-Jun-2021 19:23:53