• RuneScape Name & Alt Name(s): Main: Mihsa, Alt: MizcoX(Skiller)
• Total level & Alt's Total level(s): Main: 1378, Alt: 1387
• Timezone: GMT -3:30 Newfoundland
• What are you looking for in joining Valkyrie? Looking to meet people, try some PvM and have fun.
• Were you in a clan previously? If so, which clan & why did you leave? Evolve. I had some real life issues come up and stopped playing for 3-4 months.
• Who or what was your reference to Valkyrie? NA
• Do you understand & agree to heed all of Valkyrie's rules? Yes
• Any additional info or comments: I mainly played on my Skiller for years until I decided to make a main to try combat/quests.
27-Jun-2023 22:57:49