• RuneScape Name & Alt Name(s): Allegrow (Allegro#1622)
• Total level & Alt's Total level(s): 1828 (105 cmb)
• Timezone: US East
• What are you looking for in joining Valkyrie? - I want to join a clan! Raiding and all that sounds super nice. Having a group to talk at and play with sounds super nice.
• Were you in a clan previously? If so, which clan & why did you leave? - Nope! First time.
• Who or what was your reference to Valkyrie? - Runescape Forums
• Do you understand & agree to heed all of Valkyrie's rules? - Yes.
• Any additional info or comments: I'm a beginner when it comes to PvE, but I do know a couple of things about the combat system. I have my F-keys set up, and I can prayer switch well enough to get a fire cape... But I'm still a total newbie when it comes to many things.
23-Jan-2023 02:59:38