What is/are your favorite skill(s)? - I really enjoy slayer and agility (I know, it's wild that I actually enjoy agility, but it's true lol)
What is your favorite activity? e.g. a certain boss or minigame. - PvMing in general is my favorite thing to do, but a close 2nd is questing! Still gathering up the courage to tackle DT2 cause that looks very intimidating x.x
How long have you been playing Runescape? - On and off for about 9 years
What are your goals for 07 Runescape? - Max my account, get better at PvMing, and pet hunt!
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? - Yup! Very reasonable rules tbh lol
Have you been in an 07/RS3 clan before? - I have not
If so, what kind of clan was it, and why did you leave? - N/A
What is one hobby/interest you have outside of RuneScape? - I have many haha But I guess if I had to choose one that I like partaking in the most it'd be music production! Been doing it for around 12 years now, but I'm not like professional level or anything, it's just a hobby!
What is your Time Zone? - EST, but in about a year it will be MST (mountain standard)
Are you willing to use our discord? – Def! If it's active, I will be, too!
Did someone recommend you to MRC? - Nope! I found y'all through the forum