• Current RSN & Any ALTS:
• Are you at least 18+ of age?
• Do you meet our REQS?
• 90 Combat?
• 1100 total?
• Abyssal whip?
• Dragon defender?
Yes to all
• What time-zone are you in?
• What are you looking for in a clan?
Fun, people to learn raiding with.
• How often do you play rs each week?
Depends on how busy I am, if I have time daily
• Are you capable of being decent person?
• To be sure you understand, list 2 rules of Infinity:
1: Don't be mean to others; keep DRAMA out of the CC.
2: Do not crash/disturb/grief other players ingame.
• What clans have you been in & why did you leave?
• How did you hear about our chat OR who invited you? Include username(s) if applicable.
From another player, An Slayer
10-May-2021 10:33:44