Runescape User Name: A Real One69
Any Alt accounts?: A couple of old mid main accounts, this account is a new hardcore ironman, Thought it sounded interesting!
Age?: 26
How long have you played Runescape?: very very lightly over 20 years. But I can't emphasize enough how lightly
What timezone are you in?: CST
What specific type of events do you enjoy?: I'm not sure! I'm returning after decades and hardly touched the game before! Vaguely remember woodcutting for hours and hours!
Highest skill?: Firemaking
Why do you want to join the clan?: To enjoy the social aspect of this game i miss so much
What can you bring to Socialscape?: Not much more than occasional conversation!
How did you find out about the clan?: I searched the forums and yours seemed to be the most social!
Did you read the clan rules?: Yes
What colour was the Kebbit?: purple
15-Oct-2022 12:30:31