Any Alt accounts?: Yes my perm muted ironman from 2 years ago I just started playing 2 months ago
Age?: Reported for asking irl info, 23
How long have you played Runescape?: Since I was 6 or 7, Started around 05-07 I think
What timezone are you in?: UK
What specific type of events do you enjoy?: Mass Pking or GWD or skilling
Highest skill?: I would say combat stats?
Why do you want to join the clan?: I don't have a lot of time maybe 3-5 hours a day and I have dogs, I don't have time to do a lot of content, I just want to find a clan where there is conversation more than just pvming.
What can you bring to Socialscape?: A little talk
How did you find out about the clan?: Forum checking
Did you read the clan rules?: Yes, the standard stuff
What colour was the Kebbit?: He was a purple kebbit
Welcome 28parrotman! Your trial starts today. Ask any admin in the clan to accept you as a Trial rank in game. And feel free to join the Discord server at
Leader in Socialscape, one of OSRS's oldest Social clans - QFC: 320-321-68-66224642 .º¯º._.º¯º._.º¯º.
07-May-2022 22:32:48
- Last edited on
07-May-2022 22:41:23