Runescape User Name: Raidelijk
Any Alt accounts?: Drageagle (iron) Rayneshi rs3/osrs alt
Age?: 24
How long have you played Runescape?: since 2008
What timezone are you in?: EST
What specific type of events do you enjoy?: Mass pvm or minigame
Highest skill?: HP 107 31,5m xp
Why do you want to join the clan?: I have been on a break from RS, back when me and Jack were doing cms he told me i was welcome. Now with the new clansystem i was looking to hop in
What can you bring to Socialscape?: Pvming , active and funny
How did you find out about the clan?: cuz of Jack
Did you read the clan rules?: Yes
What colour was the Kebbit?: something inbetween pink and blue, thought it was Purple.
18-Aug-2021 06:55:24