RSN: Zeal MD
Combat Level: 115
Attack Level: 85
Strength Level: 93
Defence Level: 91
Prayer Level: 83
Range Level: 97
Magic Level: 90
Slayer Level: 75
Total Level: 1781
Do you have all the gear requirements (y,n): y
How experienced at PvM are you (scale 1-10): 8 (quit for a long time just before TOB)
Favorite boss: Raids 1 or Bandos
Did anyone refer you to this clan? And if so, who?: no
Any former clans?: yes but can't remember the name
If yes, what was your reason for leaving?: quit playing game
How did you find out about Imagine?: Forum post
Timezone: EST
Do you promise to follow the rules? yes
Do you understand our ranking system?: yes
02-Jan-2023 21:06:32
- Last edited on
02-Jan-2023 23:59:33
Zeal DMD