What is your combat level? 114,5
What is your total level? 1712
What is/are your favorite skill(s)? slayer/bossing
What is your favorite activity? e.g. a certain boss or minigame. slayer or bossing in general
How long have you been playing Runescape? since 2003
What are your goals for 07 Runescape? Eventually max out again
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yes
Have you been in an 07/RS3 clan before? many times
If so, what kind of clan was it, and why did you leave? Sometimes you quit for a while and get autokicked
What is one hobby/interest you have outside of RuneScape? - Skiing/snowboarding
What is your Time Zone? - +1gmt (+2gmt in summertime)
Are you willing to use our discord? – if required and necessary
Did someone recommend you to MRC? - No
Hi Codeking. Please join the clan chat and a mod will add you into the clan.
You can join the discord with this link