Username: PVM Nickp
Time Zone:
Total Level:
Combat Level:
Do you have Piety, Barrows Gloves and Fire Cape?
Do you accept the rules of Vox Magna?
What is rule 13?
Essentially to not be toxic, no racism, sexism, or anything else that would negatively impact someone’s experience
Please list your previous clans and why you left them.
Rebellion PVM. The clan as a whole was very niche based, if you weren’t in their little circle it was hard to do anything with clan mates. Decided to leave as it was too much of a hassle to find someone willing to boss or do anything else.
What is your favorite thing to do in-game?
As of recently slayer and I’m starting to get into bossing
What are your current in-game goals?
Like everyone else, I’d eventually like to max. In time, I’d like to get good enough to achieve an infernal cape
One fun fact about yourself: I was previously a member of vox, and I’ve been looking for this clan again for around 6 months. Finally I saw it on the threads tonight. I’m sure the question will be asked, but the only reason I’m still not a member is because my account was hacked and I lost access to it
Learning to PVM one death at a time
25-Sep-2021 02:29:09