Username: Phill ip (currently)
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Total Level: 2035
Combat Level: 116.8
Do you have Piety, Barrows Gloves and Fire Cape?
Yes to all of them
Do you accept the rules of Vox Magna?
What is rule 13?
Overtly offensive comments and/or discussion of a sexist, racist, political, or otherwise nature will result in a strike being issued. Any other topics deemed offensive by clan staff will also result in a strike, or up to a kick/ban at the discretion of the mod/admin team.
Please list your previous clans and why you left them.
Have yet to join a clan in OSRS
What is your favorite thing to do in-game?
Dedicated to skill grinding when required and enjoy slayer. Want to broaden my bossing skills and heard this was a good clan.
What are your current in-game goals?
95 slayer
Levels for Achievements diaries. Currently have all easy, medium, and hard completed. Working on a few Elites
Base level skills 80+
One fun fact about yourself:
Been playing Runescape for over 15 years
16-Apr-2021 21:08:32