Time Zone:
Japan Standard (Similar to Australia)
Total Level:
Combat Level:
Do you have Piety, Barrows Gloves and Fire Cape?
Yes I have all 3.
Do you accept the rules of Vox Magna?
Yes I do.
What is rule 13?
"Overtly offensive comments and/or discussion of a sexist, racist, political, or otherwise nature will result in a strike being issued."
Please list your previous clans and why you left them.
It's been a while so I don't remember, but I've left clans because they just didn't fit what I was looking for.
What is your favorite thing to do in-game?
Learn new bosses and skill mainly. I also like completing things fully such as collection log, etc..
What are your current in-game goals?
Get back my QPC (Just need sins quest), slowly grow my bank more to be able to do higher level bosses and eventually learn raids.
One fun fact about yourself:
I live for and enjoy adrenaline filled activities such as sky diving.
28-Mar-2021 04:14:33