- RS - Cookie Dough
- Combat level - 115
- Do you have all the specified gear and level requirements? If not what are you missing?
Yes, I do
- Previous Clans? (If so, the reason for leaving) N/A
- What is your Timezone? Eastern (U.S)
- Why are you applying to All-stars? I like the boss
- Do you use Discord? It is very important that our members have access to our discord.
Yes, I do. I cannot guarantee that I will be in every time I'm on
- Do you agree that if you are found to have scammed anybody whilst in the clan (not splitting, not returning borrowed items, etc.) that information will be passed onto Runewatch and Runescape Justice and a report filed accordingly? Yes, I understand
- How did you hear about All-Stars?
On the forums
- Which bosses do you enjoy the most?
Cox, but I've only done a few (just came back to osrs)
24-Jan-2020 03:23:08