Sexy isn't a shape. It's an
Rated the sexiest clan by OSRS GQ - 1 year and counting.

CC :
Sexy Memers
Home World:
Time Zone :
Majority US NA East Coast; Growing EU + PST presence
Discord :
Members :
200+ and growing!
Reqs :
Friendly attitude!
Sexy Kyle
Sexy Mangoes
Too Spooky
Ahmango, Es Hugo, FishGoGlub, Isoptox, and Sexy Apm
–About the Sexy Memers–
Welcome! Do you like memes ? And do you like feeling confident ?
We are a vibrant community aimed with the one task of making each other
laugh every day
. We are building a coalition of individuals who will unite the two branches of sexiness and laughter. We help each other out with the goal of having fun. You are invited to become a part of the Sexy Memers, where you will
develop a humor unlike any other
Note that
sexy =/= sexual!
Sexiness comes from within, and our conversation is appropriate for all audiences.

We accept accounts of all types and levels. We are here just to have a
fun time!
Join our clan and see what we’re about! Our members love to PvM with a side of banter.
Am I a good fit for the Sexy Memers?
–Do you enjoy the company of others and
on your achievements?
–Are you dipping your feet into some new
? With an active discord?
–Or are you already an expert at PVM?
If you answered
to any of the above, then Sexy Memers is the place for you!
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22-Aug-2022 01:05:11 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2024 03:32:01 by Sexy Kyle