In-Game Name: gain coin
Total level: 1985
Your time zone: gmt
Current goal in the game: upgrading gear
What is your playstyle like pvp/pvm etc: pvm
What is your favorite activity: bossing
What is your favorite boss: phasoni's nightmare
Have you read our rules: yes
Gain Coin
In-Game Name: gain coin
Total level: 1985
Your time zone: gmt
Current goal in the game: upgrading gear
What is your playstyle like pvp/pvm etc: pvm
What is your favorite activity: bossing
What is your favorite boss: phasoni's nightmare
Have you read our rules: yes
Thank you gain coin, for your application, you have been accepted!! jump into our clan chat someone will invite you! for the latest updates for events head to our disc https://discord.gg/NVup7ZFn49