Runescape Name: YEE BUDDY
Total Level: 1827
Combat Level: 124
What are your current and future goals in Runescape: Do more Chambers of Xeric and become more experienced at it, make enough for a Twisted Bow (very close to it now...)
Where are you from? (state or country): Canada
Why do you want to join Aus Home: I live where AUS servers have the best ping for me, so I'm looking to hang out and PvM with people from Aus or NZ
How did you find out about us (Players name who invited: I found you guys on the OSRS forums and you guys look pretty chill
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving, if any: Logical PvM, I left mainly because of timezone and ping issues, since majority of the members were US/EU, very nice clan otherwise
Are you willing to download Discord and join our Server: Absolutely
01-Jan-2020 03:15:50