Runescape Name: Vial 911
Total Level: 1197 (in 2 weeks and nearly 200qp)
Combat Level: 91
What are your current and future goals in Runescape:
1. RFD
2. access to fairy rings
3. fire cape
4. slayer to get $ for 82-3 con
5. level up to start bossing
Where are you from? (state or country): originally from AUS but moved overseas to Malaysia for work. Only 2hr timezone diff.
Why do you want to join Aus Home: looks like the most suitable clan for me. i want to meet people, hang out, maybe do a couple of raids when i can.
How did you find out about us (Players name who invited: forums
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving, if any: N/A as i havent played in years
Are you willing to download Discord and join our Server: avid discord user
12-Oct-2019 12:23:54
- Last edited on
12-Oct-2019 12:24:17