Runescape Name: retrrd
Total Level: 1521
Combat Level: 100
What are your current and future goals in Runescape: I'd say my current goals would be working towards 99 mining, unlocking making blood runes, get a firecape and that's about it. My future goals would be pretty obvious, I'd want to max my skills, and just enjoy the game post max.
Where are you from? (state or country): Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Why do you want to join Aus Home: Pretty much just socialize with other people, and possibly do some clan events. I'm not much of a pvper and I home that that's not a problem.
How did you find out about us (Players name who invited: Art of Sin (I think that's his/her name).
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving, if any:
Are you willing to download Discord and join our Server: Yes
11-Jan-2019 10:08:46