Username: Dustysucc
Total Level: 1053
Total XP: 3.4million
Highest skill(s): Strength
How long have you played Runescape for?: About 2 months on this account. Played back during 2008 when I was young
How long have you played OSRS for? : 2 months
What is your favourite skill?: Slayer
What is your favourite activity?: Questing
What is your least favourite skill?: Construction
What are your current goals?: Having fun and accomplishing things I never did on previous accounts
Do you play alternate accounts?: No
Have you been a member of any other clan before? If so, why did you leave?: No
What timezone are you in?: US Central
Real Name (If Willing to Share): Hunter
Age: 24
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Who referred you to the clan? (If Anyone): N/A
Do you understand and agree to follow Jagex's and the clan's rules at all times?: Yes
01-Jan-2021 16:39:55