Username: Martyn5
Total Level: 1333
Total XP: 10,604,231
Highest skill(s): ATT, STR, DEF, SLAYER
How long have you played Runescape for?: since 2001 so 18 years
How long have you played OSRS for? : since the day it was released
What is your favourite skill?: woodcutting/Sayer
What is your favourite activity?: PVM skilling
What is your least favourite skill?: RC
What are your current goals?: MAX
Do you play alternate accounts?: YES
Have you been a member of any other clan before? If so, why did you leave?: nope
What timezone are you in?: GMT
Real Name (If Willing to Share): Martyn
Age: 28
Do you have Discord?: im on your discord chat allrady
Who referred you to the clan? (If Anyone): Qwerty
Do you understand and agree to follow Jagex's and the clan's rules at all times?: Yes
28-Apr-2019 12:54:55