Username: RedRing
Total Level: 2185
Total XP: 415,368,893
Highest skill(s): Combat.
How long have you played Runescape for?: 15 years +
How long have you played OSRS for? : Sense release.
What is your favourite skill?: Slayer.
What is your favourite activity?: Pvm.
What is your least favourite skill?: Thieving.
What are your current goals?: Pets, 1b bank, make friends.
Do you play alternate accounts?: I do not.
Have you been a member of any other clan before? If so, why did you leave?: I've been apart of many clans over the last 8 years. All sorts of reasons.
What timezone are you in?: EST
Real Name (If Willing to Share): ------
Age: 24
Do you have Discord?: Red#3639
Who referred you to the clan? (If Anyone): Jagex Forums.
Do you understand and agree to follow Jagex's and the clan's rules at all times?: I do understand.
11-Feb-2022 10:41:45