- What is your current in game name?
Ans: WiseOldNaan
- Which timezone do you reside in (EU/USA/AUS/UK etc)?
Ans: UK
- What is your current Total level?
Ans: 1860
- Will you answer a discord roll call every other month?
Ans: Yes
- How'd you find out about Flux / Who were you referred by?
Ans: Alrod/Sky Creature and Gartoonz
- Are any OSRS accounts you own currently in a clan?
Ans: No
- Which was your most recent clan?
Ans: Reborn Irons (I was group ironman but de-ironed today)
- Please list any other Runescape accounts that you own:
Ans: Yight Dworke (Pure Pker)
- Have you joined our discord channel? (Join it, or we can't rank you)
Discord link:
Ans: Yes
- What is your Discord ID?
Ans: DeviousBrad
- What is your favourite activity in RS?
Ans: Group bossing with friends
15-Sep-2022 15:05:14