- What is your current in game name?
Ans: The Muggler
- Which timezone do you reside in (EU/USA/AUS/UK etc)?
Ans: I reside in the UK
- What is your current Total level?
Ans: As it stands, 985. I am still currently levelling.
- Will you answer a discord roll call every other month?
Ans: Yes
- How'd you find out about Flux / Who were you referred by?
Ans: I just googled OSRS clans, and this one seemed like it wasn't +125 Heavy.
- Are any OSRS accounts you own currently in a clan?
Ans: No
- Which was your most recent clan?
Ans: None
- Please list any other Runescape accounts that you own:
Ans: Just this one.
- Have you joined our discord channel? (Join it, or we can't rank you)
Discord link: https://discord.gg/FmNkwgg
Ans: I have
- What is your Discord ID?
Ans: The Muggler #8227
- What is your favourite activity in RS?
Ans: Just playing the game is fun enough, willing to try everything though.
08-Aug-2022 16:19:55