RSN: LAshtonL
Discord Username: ashtonw1994#2134
Have you ever been a member of Green Bandits? nope
If so, what was your RSN at the time:
Were you referred by anyone? nope - forums
If so, what is their RSN:
Time Zone: GMT
Total Level: 2098
Combat Level: 125
Attack Level: 99
Strength Level: 99
Defence Level: 99
Hitpoints Level: 99
Ranged Level: 99
Magic Level: 99
Prayer Level: 90
What are you looking for in Green Bandits? Pvm, socialise, fun and to be part of a community
What is rule #3?: scamming will not be tolerated
What is Green Bandits' home world?: 370
18-Sep-2022 20:38:09