1. Username: grgn
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): SA, Aus
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: Nightmare pet
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: Friends I normally play with are going to be playing trailblazers, but I'm keen to keep up the pvm!
5. How did you find out about us: Trawling the forums
1. Username: Evilaz
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): New Zealand
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: High end PVM
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: Looking for people to raid with.
5. How did you find out about us: Google
Username: ricewheelie
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): aus/vic
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: maxed 99s ,infernal, max cash stack
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: fellow aussie looking for aussie clan
5. How did you find out about us: osrs forum search
1. Username: Bic
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): AUS, QLD
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: more high item drops since I'am 2277
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: I'm an og member from 2015
5. How did you find out about us: <3
1. Username: marcoyukh
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): NSW
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: getting into pvm and getting 5 pets
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: to learn more, i was also a previous member
5. How did you find out about us: forums
1. Username: crunchondeez
2. Where are you from? (State/Country): australia NSW
3. What is your current long term goal in Oldschool Runescape: get 99 in all combat and slayer to learn how to pvm properly and PK like back in the day
4. Why do you want to join Aus 2007: need a good bunch of lads and lass' to talk with and pvm with
5. How did you find out about us: daveyslut my IRL mate