lofi cacti
1.) What is your OSRS username?
Lofi Cacti
2.) Do you have an active Discord account? Our main hub and system is through our Discord server, so you’ll need to be able to participate through there.
Yeah I have a discord though would need to get into the habit of using it more but happy to do so
3.) Have you ever been in a Clan before? If not, what are you looking for in a Clan?
I'm currently in a Clan but looking for a change
4.) What are some aspects of OSRS that you enjoy?
Ironman pvming / short term grinds
5.) We are a non-toxic environment. Are you able to contribute to that?
Absolutely I can get along with anyone
6.) What time zone are you?
UK British - GMT + 1
Hey there, Lofi Cacti!
Thank you for completing the application. Please go to our
and follow the steps through there.
Have you ever been in a Clan before?
: I've been in an RS3 clan before, but it wasn't very active, and I quit it when I quit playing RS3. This will be my first Old School clan (provided that I am accepted)
What are some aspects of OSRS that you enjoy?
: I've just finished up the midgame portion of my account (Quest Cape) and I'm looking to transition into higher level content. I enjoy Hallowed Sepulchre and high intensity slayer monsters (Demonic Gorillas)
We are a non-toxic environment. Are you able to contribute to that?
: Yes! Infinite OSRS's commitment to inclusion and non-toxicity was one of the reasons that drew me to apply.
Have you ever been in a Clan before?
: I've been in an RS3 clan before, but it wasn't very active, and I quit it when I quit playing RS3. This will be my first Old School clan (provided that I am accepted)
What are some aspects of OSRS that you enjoy?
: I've just finished up the midgame portion of my account (Quest Cape) and I'm looking to transition into higher level content. I enjoy Hallowed Sepulchre and high intensity slayer monsters (Demonic Gorillas)
We are a non-toxic environment. Are you able to contribute to that?
: Yes! Infinite OSRS's commitment to inclusion and non-toxicity was one of the reasons that drew me to apply.
What time zone are you?
Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Hi, Campanella!
What a wonderful application! We are thrilled to welcome you to the Infinite fam! Thank you for applying. Please go to our
and follow the steps through there.