1.) What is your OSRS username?
Archaic Name
2.) Do you have an active Discord account? Our main hub and system is through our Discord server, so you’ll need to be able to participate through there.
3.) Have you ever been in a Clan before? If not, what are you looking for in a Clan?
Unfortunately, I have not. I am a new player, and so I am in search of a community to learn from, contribute to, and share with many fun experiences in-game!
4.) What are some aspects of OSRS that you enjoy?
Quests, Gathering Supplies, Skilling, AFK & Chat, Team Bossing, etc!
5.) We are a non-toxic environment. Are you able to contribute to that?
Yes, don't worry, I am very respectful, considerate, and relaxed in all of my interactions with other players. I am here solely for community, and not divisiveness.
6.) What time zone are you?
08-Oct-2023 05:06:38