o join the clan, copy and paste this Application Example below and fill it out:
Combat Level?: 119
Total Level?: 1925
Piety unlocked?: Y
Do you have Barrow gloves?: Y
Favorite boss?: DKs
Did anyone refer you to this clan (y,n) if yes whom: N
How experienced at PvM are you?: Moderately
Previous names?: N/A
Former clan & why did you leave?: I quit RS
Do you understand that drops must be posted on our website to count towards your rank?: Y
Do you have ALL The gear requirements to join?(Please do not Apply yet if not): Y
What are 3 different ways to receive SK points?: splitting, tanking, recruiting
Do you have Discord?: Y
Do you agree to follow Savage Kings rules?: Y
Do you understand a random gear check could happen at anytime for any reason?: Y
Any final thoughts: N
Combat Level?:126
Total Level?:2042
Piety unlocked?:Y
Do you have Barrow gloves?:Y
Favorite boss?:NEX
Did anyone refer you to this clan (y,n) if yes whom:COWSAP
How experienced at PvM are you?
layed since 07, mostly bossing
Previous names?:calgore10
Former clan & why did you leave?:died
Do you understand that drops must be posted on our website to count towards your rank?:Y
Do you have ALL The gear requirements to join?(Please do not Apply yet if not):Y
What are 3 different ways to receive SK points?: showing up for 1 hour, splitting drops, recruiting
Do you have Discord?:y
Do you agree to follow Savage Kings rules?:y
Do you understand a random gear check could happen at anytime for any reason?:y
Welcome to Savage Kings Calgore10!
..›,,¸¸.”•›,,¸¸.”•›,,¸¸..”•›,,¸¸ Be Savage Not Average¸¸,,‹•”...¸¸,,‹•”.¸¸,,‹•”.¸¸,,‹..
RSN: Contender 6
Combat Level?: 117
Total Level?: 1839
Piety unlocked?: ya
Total Quest Points: 213
Do you have Barrow gloves?: ya
Favorite boss?: raids atm
Did anyone refer you to this clan (y,n) if yes whom: the 11th, globmeister
How experienced at PvM/PvP are you?: pretty experienced
Previous names?: N/A
Former clan & why did you leave?: N/A
Do you understand that drops must be posted on our website to count towards your rank?: ya
Do you have ALL The gear requirements to join?(Please do not Apply yet if not): Don't have an imbued god cape
What are 3 different ways to receive SK points?: events, recruiting, teaching
Are you gonna help bump forums since we are a Forum Active clan?
Do you have Discord?: ya
Do you promise to follow the rules?: ya
Do you understand a random gear check could happen at anytime for any reason?: ya
Any final thoughts:
Welcome to Savage Kings Contender 6!
..›,,¸¸.”•›,,¸¸.”•›,,¸¸..”•›,,¸¸ Be Savage Not Average¸¸,,‹•”...¸¸,,‹•”.¸¸,,‹•”.¸¸,,‹..