A Discord account is required to join the clan. This is because all important information is announced and shared on discord.
Combat level : 90
Total level : 1609
Time Zone : Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)
Discord: Vampiro236#4389
Have your read our rules and will you follow them?: Yes
What do you enjoy most about Old School Runescape?: All the unique ways you can play the game
What are some of your goals in Old School Runescape?: None, I just play for fun and make unique accounts now.
How did your found out about this clan?: Googled "OSRS clans" and clicked on forums.
Have you been in any other clans? If yes, why did you leave?: Technically the clan left me. The leaders had a falling out and the clan fell apart and I was left clanless.
13-Oct-2021 20:27:47