Combat level : 102
Total level : 1758
Time Zone : GMT +1
Discord: Yes, #3883 Uncle Stevie
Have your read our rules and will you follow them?
: Yes, I have read them and will follow.
What do you enjoy most about Old School Runescape?:
Questing and Skilling (while afk)
What are some of your goals in Old School Runescape?:
- Get fire cape
- Achieve quest cape
- Learn to do bosses in the meanwhile
How did your found out about this clan?
Via Oldschool forums.
Have you been in any other clans? If yes, why did you leave?:
Yes, I have been, I left because of inactivity. At a certain point I was like with 3 other people and we decided it was best for us to search for a new clan.