Hello Everyone!
We're actively inviting new prospects to our skiller clan that are interested in multiple opportunities that we have including Group skilling, Competitions, and Drop Parties! We have over 350+ members currently and over 50+ active daily!
Who we are:
We're a group of veteran RuneScape players that enjoy developing relationships to better our skillers! We have maxed skillers, IM, and HCIM that can help you develop your skills better daily!
What we can help with!
We're familiar with ALL skills, quests, and methods of gaining fat XP!
Why Join Us?
We're a very welcoming group of people with an active discord and chat daily.
What's required?
We don't require any skill based knowledge or level requirements. We're looking for people who are pure level 3 accounts that don't have combat skills!
What Else?
A lot of us have mains, and pures and enjoy events outside of skilling.
How it works?
Shoot myself or a one of the following a PM in game to get to know us:
Divine Floww
My Info:
IGN: Insnaity xii
My Discord:
Its Insanity or itsinsanityyyy
Feel free to respond on here and I'll reach out in game!
I look forward to recruiting you!!
27-Aug-2023 18:54:27
- Last edited on
19-Mar-2024 23:27:32
Insanity xii