What is your RuneScape name? The Maiden/The Mission
(REQUIRED) Will you use Discord? yews
(OPTIONAL) What is your Discord ID? Maiden#9167
What is your timezone/Country? CST/ USA
How long have you played RuneScape? 9 years
What's your favourite activity on OSRS? Chambers- i'm a retired wdr mentor
What's your least favourite activity on OSRS? Crafting
Are you in another clan? my iron is in Not So Alone - iron only clan
If you have recently left another clan, which one was it?
Do you understand that scamming in this clan will result in you being listed on RuneWatch, a blacklist network that clans use to prevent scammers from joining? yes
How did you find the clan? forums
29-Jan-2022 20:59:50
- Last edited on
29-Jan-2022 21:02:54
The Maiden