Current RSN: Gim Sid
Previous usernames (if none use "N/A"
: n/a
Total Level: 2239
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): Gim
Do you have other accounts/Alts? (Include RSNs if applicable): Have a main I don't often play on, Sidscapes but gim further along these days
Timezone: GMT
Who referred you to Winter?: Crunchyroll
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): Recently joined Patryn Exiles after alot of people left my old cc 420lounge, spent a fair bit of time in patryn but often left out as an iron with so many mains in that cc.
What's the main reason you want to join us?: Heard nothing but praise from the friends that have joined, been guesting in the cc a little while now and enjoy the vibe.
What are your current goals in game?: Get all the bis, finishing up dt2 logs, need to properly learn tob/inferno and do nex.
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: Yup
Have you posted this application on the Winter OSRS Forums? (if not, go do that.): Yup
Current RSN: SoftMousy
Previous usernames (if none use "N/A"
: n/a
Total Level: 474
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): ironman
Do you have other accounts/Alts? (Include RSNs if applicable): no
Timezone: Est
Who referred you to Winter?: Softer Bugg / bUwUgg
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): n/a
What's the main reason you want to join us?: Was asked if i wanted to by bugg
What are your current goals in game?: Kinda aimlessly questing and leveling skills rn, super new and learning
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: Yes
Have you posted this application on the Winter OSRS Forums? (if not, go do that.): Yes