RSN:lucky b boss
Discord Username:luckybigboss666
Combat Level:102
What makes you want to join The RuneBlazers?pvm
Did anyone refer you? If so, who?no
Have you been in any clans in the past? Which ones?no
What time zone are you located in?uk
Have you joined our discord and changed your name to match your RSN?no
All new applicants are subject to a trial period, do you agree to complete all of the trial requirements within the allotted time frame?yes
We have minimum gear requirements for PvM events, are you ok with abiding by this?yes
Do you have barrows gloves?yes
Do you have a dragon defender?yes
Do you have a fighter torso?no
Do you have or can you obtain full Guthan’s/Karil’s Top/Amulet of Fury or better?yes
Do you have a fire cape?yes
Do you have full void?no
Do you have a tentacle whip or better?yes
What is your favorite group activity pvm
After applying please guest our clan in game and join our discord ( to let us know that you have applied and we'll get back to you shortly.
*Exceptions to certain clan requirements can be made on a case by case basis*
07-Jan-2023 01:07:29