Display Name:
Slayer XP
: 18,220,623
Total Level: 2277
Do you meet all of our entry requirements:
Indeed I do!
How did you find out about SlayStars:
I first found out and joined SS what has to be around 2014 or so, give or take a year or two.
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape:
Seeing as I'm just coming back to the game for the first time in about 3 years, my current goal is to catch up on CA's, new quests, and new raids/bosses as well as relearning some older ones. Future goals include pet hunting, XP gains and climbing ranks.
How often do you play
: I've been playing at least a couple hours a day over the last couple weeks. Some days more than others, really depends on my work schedule and all.
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17):
Yes, already in the discord!
Why do you want to join SlayStars:
Honestly, SS is the only clan I'd consider (re)joining. I was always proud to be a member and loved everyone in the clan. Can't beat the vibes!
Why should we accept your application:
Why not?! You should reaccept my application because of the good vibes I'm going to bring to the clan, and because I'll be clan-less if you don't seeing as SS is the only clan for me. Oh and there is a good chance I'll probably end up on some temple XP leaderboards/records because I sweat from time to time. Would love to rep SS.
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving:
SlayStars - Left/demoted to 'clan buddy' because I went inactive from RuneScape.
24-Nov-2023 18:49:16
- Last edited on
24-Nov-2023 18:51:29